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Ayurveda Massages & Therapies in Rishikesh

In the stillness between breaths, realise the eternal presence within.

Abhyanga (Full-body Massage)

Abhyanga literally means oil application. In Ayurveda we believe that since the day we are born the Vatta Energy (Air + Space) keeps on increasing each passing day, which results in ailments like joint pains, wrinkles, etc. Since, Vatta is dry and cold in nature, to keep it balanced oil is necessary. 


This therapy involves the synchronized artistry of hands working in harmony to administer a full-body treatment. The process begins with enveloping the body in the finest quality medicated oils, followed by a sequence of smooth, gentle movements that deeply penetrate the tissues. 


This massage is not only therapeutic but also profoundly rejuvenating.

Benefits include:


 Profound relaxation, heightened energy and an overall sense of rejuvenation.

Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage therapy, a traditional practice involving rhythmic oil application to promote relaxation & health.


 Treatment not only nourishes but also imparts a smooth and radiant quality to your skin and tissues.


 Enhancing your general wellbeing as the massage stimulates blood circulation, making it an effective remedy for insomnia, among other therapeutic benefits.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,500/Person

  (approx. USD 30)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 2,000/Person

 (approx. USD 24)

Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage)


Shiro Abhyanga, is a specialized treatment that focuses on the head, neck and shoulder regions. Through gentle, rhythmic movements and the application of specific oils, this massage technique aims to provide a holistic experience targeting both physical and mental well-being.

Benefits include:

Stress Relief:

 Enjoy relief from stress and tension as the massage technique eases away accumulated strain in the head and neck.

portraying a soothing head massage, a therapeutic practice aimed at relieving tension and promoting relaxation.

Mental Clarity:

 Experience enhanced mental clarity and focus, promoting a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Hair and Scalp Health:

 Nurture your hair and scalp health with the application of therapeutic oils.

Enhanced Circulation:

 Stimulate blood circulation in the head region, promoting a healthy flow of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and brain.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,000/Person

  (approx. USD 24)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 1,400/Person

 (approx. USD 17)

Mukh Abhyanga (Face Massage)

Mukh Abhyanga is a specialized therapy designed to rejuvenate and invigorate the facial region. Through gentle yet purposeful techniques and the application of nourishing oils, this massage aims to promote overall facial well-being.


Benefits include:


Profound sense of relaxation as the massage eases tension and stress from facial muscles.

 showcasing a rejuvenating face massage, a revitalizing technique to promote relaxation and enhance skin health.

Radiant Complexion:

 Enhance the natural glow of your skin as the massage nourishes and revitalizes facial tissues.

Improved Circulation:

 Stimulate blood flow to the face, promoting a healthy and vibrant complexion.

Anti-Aging Effects:

 Benefit from the natural anti-aging properties of the massage, addressing fine lines and promoting skin elasticity.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,000/Person

  (approx. USD 24)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 1,400/Person

 (approx. USD 17)

Kadi Vasti

Kadi Vasti is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is kept over the lower end of the vertebral column for a certain time.

Benefits include:

Relieving back pain.

showcasing Kati Vasti therapy: Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain, using medicated oil in a retaining reservoir.

Stimulates the nerves, relieving numbness.



Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,200/Person

  (approx. USD 27)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 1,800/Person

 (approx. USD 22)

Janu Vasti

Kadi Vasti is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is kept over the lower end of the vertebral column for a certain time.

Benefits include:

Strengthen the knee muscles.

 illustrating Janu Vasti therapy: Ayurvedic knee care treatment, utilizing medicated oil in a retaining reservoir.

Improves functioning of the knee joint.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,200/Person

  (approx. USD 27)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 1,800/Person

 (approx. USD 22)


Greeva Vasti

Greeva Vasti is a special treatment in which warm medicated oil is kept over the cervical region with the help of a dough ring for a certain time.

Benefits include:

Relieves cervical spine problems like stiffness in neck region.

depicting Greeva Vasti therapy: Ayurvedic neck care treatment, employing medicated oil in a retaining reservoir.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 2,200/Person

  (approx. USD 27)

(Exclusive Offer: First 7 bookings)

INR 1,800/Person

 (approx. USD 22)


Reserve your healing time with an Ayurveda sessions just for you.

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Admission fee for this course is $10


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