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A Guide to the 7 Chakra Frequencies and Their Healing Properties

Chakras are the energy centres within the human body that play a crucial role in our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Each of the seven main chakras is associated with specific frequencies, colours and elements and when these chakras are balanced and aligned, energy flows freely, promoting overall health and harmony.

However, when these energy centres are blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical and emotional discomfort.

Sound healing, particularly through the use of specific frequencies, is a powerful tool to restore balance to these chakras.

In this guide, we’ll explore the 7 chakra frequencies, their healing properties and how you can use sound to align and balance your chakras.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. It governs our sense of stability, security and survival instincts.

When the Root Chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, secure and confident. However, if this chakra is blocked, it can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety and insecurity.

Frequency: 396 Hz

The frequency of 396 Hz is believed to help dissolve fear, liberate us from guilt and bring about a sense of grounding and security. This frequency can be used in sound healing to activate and balance the Root Chakra, providing a stable foundation for the rest of the chakra system.

Healing Properties:

• Alleviates fear and anxiety

• Promotes feelings of safety and security

• Enhances physical vitality and endurance

• Grounds energy and supports connection to the Earth

Sound Healing Techniques:

Using a tuning fork or singing bowl tuned to 396 Hz near the base of the spine can help open and balance the Root Chakra. Listening to music or guided meditations incorporating this frequency can also reinforce grounding and stability.

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

The Sacral Chakra, or Swadhisthana, is located just below the navel and is associated with the color orange. This chakra is the center of our emotions, creativity, sexuality and pleasure. A balanced Sacral Chakra allows us to express our emotions freely, enjoy healthy relationships and embrace our creative instincts.

When blocked, it can result in emotional instability, lack of creativity and sexual dysfunction.

Frequency: 417 Hz

The frequency of 417 Hz is associated with facilitating change and creativity. This frequency can help clear away emotional blockages, release negative emotions and promote healing in the Sacral Chakra.

Healing Properties:

• Enhances creativity and imagination

• Facilitates emotional expression and release

• Encourages healthy relationships and sexual well-being

• Promotes emotional balance and stability

Sound Healing Techniques:

Playing a singing bowl or tuning fork tuned to 417 Hz near the lower abdomen can help restore balance to the Sacral Chakra. Incorporating this frequency into meditative practices or creative activities can also enhance emotional and creative expression.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura, is located in the upper abdomen, near the diaphragm and is associated with the color yellow. It is the centre of personal power, self-esteem and confidence. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, we feel confident, motivated and in control of our lives.

A blocked Solar Plexus Chakra can lead to feelings of low self-esteem, lack of direction and digestive issues.

Frequency: 528 Hz

The frequency of 528 Hz is often referred to as the “Miracle Tone” or “Love Frequency.” It is believed to promote transformation and DNA repair, which can help in healing and balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Healing Properties:

• Boosts self-confidence and personal power

• Enhances motivation and determination

• Supports digestive health and energy metabolism

• Encourages personal growth and transformation

Sound Healing Techniques:

Using a 528 Hz tuning fork or singing bowl around the Solar Plexus area can help strengthen and balance this chakra. Listening to music or affirmations tuned to 528 Hz can also enhance self-esteem and personal empowerment.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the color green (and sometimes pink). It governs love, compassion, forgiveness and emotional well-being.

A balanced Heart Chakra allows us to give and receive love freely, foster healthy relationships and maintain emotional balance.

A blocked Heart Chakra can result in feelings of loneliness, bitterness and an inability to forgive.

Frequency: 639 Hz

The frequency of 639 Hz is associated with connecting and harmonizing relationships. This frequency helps open the heart, enhance communication and bring about emotional healing.

Healing Properties:

• Promotes love, compassion and forgiveness

• Enhances emotional healing and balance

• Encourages harmonious relationships and connection

• Supports cardiovascular health and emotional well-being

Sound Healing Techniques:

Playing a 639 Hz singing bowl or tuning fork near the heart area can help open and balance the Heart Chakra. Incorporating this frequency into meditations focused on love and compassion can deepen emotional healing and enhance relationships.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is located at the base of the throat and is associated with the colour blue.

It governs communication, self-expression and truth.

When the Throat Chakra is balanced, we can express ourselves clearly and authentically.

A blocked Throat Chakra can lead to issues with communication, sore throats and difficulty in expressing emotions or thoughts.

Frequency: 741 Hz

The frequency of 741 Hz is known for its ability to cleanse and purify, making it ideal for clearing blockages in the Throat Chakra. This frequency helps to open the throat, promoting clear communication and self-expression.

Healing Properties:

• Enhances communication and self-expression

• Promotes authenticity and truth

• Supports vocal health and clarity

• Encourages creativity in speech and writing

Sound Healing Techniques:

Using a tuning fork or singing bowl tuned to 741 Hz near the throat can help balance the Throat Chakra. Chanting, singing or engaging in verbal affirmations while listening to 741 Hz frequencies can also enhance vocal clarity and self-expression.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna, is located between the eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo. It governs intuition, insight and spiritual awareness.

A balanced Third Eye Chakra enhances our ability to perceive subtle energies, access inner wisdom and maintain mental clarity.

When blocked, it can lead to confusion, lack of focus and difficulty in trusting intuition.

Frequency: 852 Hz

The frequency of 852 Hz is linked to awakening intuition and spiritual awareness. This frequency can help open the Third Eye Chakra, allowing for greater clarity, insight, and connection to higher consciousness.

Healing Properties:

• Enhances intuition and insight

• Promotes mental clarity and focus

• Supports spiritual awakening and connection

• Encourages the development of inner wisdom

Sound Healing Techniques:

Applying a tuning fork or singing bowl tuned to 852 Hz to the forehead area can help activate and balance the Third Eye Chakra. Meditating with this frequency can also deepen intuitive abilities and enhance spiritual awareness.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is located at the top of the head and is associated with the colour violet (or white). It governs our connection to the divine, spiritual enlightenment and universal consciousness.

A balanced Crown Chakra allows us to experience a sense of unity with the universe, inner peace and spiritual fulfilment.

A blocked Crown Chakra can result in feelings of disconnection, lack of purpose and spiritual doubt.

Frequency: 963 Hz

The frequency of 963 Hz is known as the “Frequency of the Gods” and is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and the connection to the divine. This frequency is ideal for balancing and activating the Crown Chakra.

Healing Properties:

• Promotes spiritual connection and enlightenment

• Enhances feelings of inner peace and unity

• Supports the release of limiting beliefs and attachments

• Encourages a sense of purpose and spiritual fulfillment

Sound Healing Techniques:

Using a 963 Hz tuning fork or singing bowl above the head can help open and balance the Crown Chakra. Meditating with this frequency can facilitate a deeper connection to the divine and enhance spiritual practices.

Harmonizing Your Chakras with Sound

Understanding and working with the 7 chakra frequencies can lead to profound healing and alignment in your physical, emotional and spiritual life.

At Ananda Dhwani, we offer courses and sessions that incorporate these powerful frequencies into sound healing practices, helping you achieve balance, clarity and peace.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey into chakra healing or looking to deepen your practice, the frequencies associated with each chakra can be a transformative tool for energy healing and chakra alignment.

By integrating these sound healing techniques into your daily life, you can maintain a harmonious energy flow and support your overall well-being.

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