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Sound Healing Certification Course in Rishikesh

"Nada Brahma – the world consists of sound"

Explore the world of sound healing through our curated therapies and immersive courses. Discover the art of healing with singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks and an array of instruments, empowering you to cultivate self-healing and bring healing to others. 

As the universe was created from sound, so have you been created from the heavenly sound and so is everything else that you experience in this world!!

Unlock your inner harmony, one sound at a time!!

Embark on a transformative journey to the heart of holistic well-being in mystical Rishikesh, the revered yoga capital of the world! Our exclusive training workshop, nestled in the serene enclave of Tapovan, promises not just a healing experience but a soulful exploration of your untapped potential. If you're drawn to Rishikesh, let this journey be the catalyst that elevates your spirit and unfolds your true-Self.

Immerse yourself in the art of harmonic wellness guided by our seasoned master, Varun. This isn't just a course; it's an interactive adventure through ancient healing therapies for self-rejuvenation and aiding others on their healing journey.

Picture this: Varun, your experienced guide, leading you through a transformative experience, unraveling the secrets of sound healing against the backdrop of Rishikesh's spiritual aura. By the end of the course, you won't just be a practitioner; you'll be an adept sound healing teacher capable of facilitating both individual and group therapies.

At Ananda Dhwani, we take pride in offering unparalleled sound healing therapies and courses suitable for practitioners of all levels. 

Join us and immerse yourself in the enriching atmosphere of the best healing yoga school in Rishikesh. Let the resonance of Himalayan sound healing bowls be the soundtrack to your journey towards inner harmony and well-being. 

Ready to unlock your potential?

What is Sound healing?

Sound Healing is a holistic approach that utilizes the therapeutic effects of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

It is based on the principle that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in a state of vibration. When the body's natural vibration becomes imbalanced or disrupted, it can lead to various ailments and discomforts.

During Sound Healing Therapy, different instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, tuning forks and drums, are used to create sound frequencies and vibrations. These vibrations are believed to resonate with the cells, tissues and energy centres of the body (Chakras) and the Sound to resonate with the mind, helping to restore balance and harmony.

teacher guiding students in a sound healing course, demonstrating the use of gong and singing bowl for therapeutic purposes.

How does Sound Healing help?


Sound healing therapy employs instruments like singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, tuning-forks and drums to generate vibrations and sounds that positively impact both physical and mental well-being. 

These resonant vibrations and sound, reaching the cellular level of the body and influencing the mind, contribute to relaxation and stress reduction.

The harmonic frequencies are believed to align with the body's natural rhythms, promoting balance and harmony. 

The therapy aims to restore energy flow, alleviate pain and enhance emotional states through intentional sound and vibration applications. 

Individuals often reported improved mood, reduced anxiety and a profound sense of inner calm followed by sound healing sessions.

Teacher guiding student in individual therapy practice.
Buddhist Singing Bowl

Course Highlights

Philosophy, Science and History  of sound and its uses in healing.

Background & Use of instruments, singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, bells, didgeridoo, rain stick, ocean drum, rattlers.

Therapeutic & Professional approach to play various instruments and offer self, individual and group healing therapies & classes. 

Different techniques to offer a gentle sound therapy on body, aura and chakra in a holistic sense.

Chakra Balancing Therapies, to harmonise the spiritual body’s energy centres (Chakras), promoting relaxation and heightened awareness.

Designing personalised therapies for relaxation under consideration of disease patterns.

Overview of the 5 Days Sound Healing Certification Course:

Day 1: Introduction to Sound Healing

Day 2: Fundamentals of Sound Healing

Day 3: Group Sound Healing and Sound Bath

Day 4: Advanced Sound Healing Techniques

Day 5: Integration and Certification

Note: This syllabus is a general outline and can be customized based on the specific requirements and duration of the course. The content and order of topics can be adjusted to meet the needs and interests of the participants.

Master These Healing Instruments in Your Training 


Singing Bowls




Tuning Forks







Book Your Sound Healing Certification

Sound healing .HEIC

INR 25,000/-

  (approx. USD 300)


Why choose this training?

A certificate of completion.

Attainment of a positive attitude, peace of mind, heightened self-confidence, inner creativity and mindfulness.

Mastery in performing, customizing and facilitating one-to-one or group healing therapies.

Expertise in leading individual healing sessions, addressing specific health concerns, conducting space purification and offering sound massages.

Capability to design and lead sound healing workshops, seminars and training sessions.

Advanced proficiency in therapeutic applications, encompassing a broad spectrum of healing practices and techniques.

Comprehensive understanding of the sound healing principles and proficiency in using various instruments.

Cultivation of a holistic approach to well-being, encompassing mental, emotional and physical aspects.

Mastery in creating and curating personalized sound healing experiences for diverse clients and settings.

 Who can join this training?

You aspire to acquire skills as a Sound Healing Therapist or Teacher.

You have a keen interest in delving into ancient healing methods that leverage sound and vibrations.

As a Yoga Teacher, you aim to seamlessly integrate the healing advantages of Singing Bowls into your yoga classes.

You are an experienced sound therapist looking to enhance your expertise in utilizing Singing Bowls for more effective sessions.

You seek to explore diverse applications of sound healing, expanding your knowledge of alternative therapies.

Your goal is to understand the therapeutic potential of sound and vibrations for holistic well-being.

You aim to deepen your understanding of the profound impact that Singing Bowls and other instruments can have on mental, emotional and physical states.







Embark on a transformative journey with us – see you in the course, where the power of sound awaits your discovery🤍

Let's Learn & Grow Together

Book Your Sound Healing Certification

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