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Experience the profound impact of sound healing therapy: Clarity of mind, Happiness in your Heart, Well-being in your Spirit and a Sense of Purpose!!

What is a sound healing therapy?

Sound healing therapy is an alternative approach that utilizes various sound frequencies and vibrations to promote physical, emotional and mental well-being.


It is based on the principle that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made up of vibrations, giving it the structure, personality that all of us carry.



When the body's natural vibration becomes imbalanced or has blockages in the flow of these vibrations, it can lead to various ailments and discomforts.


During Sound Healing Therapy, different instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, rain stick and drums, are used to create sound frequencies and vibrations. These sounds and vibrations help to restore balance and harmony.

Sound healer conducting one-on-one sound therapy session combined with Reiki, embodying healing, relaxation and spirituality.

How does Sound Healing Therapy help?

singing bowls placed over the body during an individual therapy session, facilitating relaxation, balance & holistic healing.

Sound healing therapy employs instruments like singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo and drums to generate vibrations and sounds that positively impact both physical and mental well-being.


The resonant vibrations reach the cellular level, tissues, and energy centres of the body (Chakras). This helps in freeing blockages and bring back the vibrations of the body back in harmony, contributing to relaxation and stress reduction.

The harmonic sounds are believed to align with the body's natural rhythms, promoting balance and harmony. Since, the sound of each and every singing bowl is similar with the eternal sound of “OM” or what physics calls it as “Pure Note”, anyone listening to these sound frequencies gets an immediate sense of calmness and peace, relaxing the monkey mind.  


The therapy aims to restore energy flow, alleviate pain and enhance emotional states through intentional sound and vibration applications.


Individuals often reported improved mood, reduced anxiety and a profound sense of inner calm followed by sound healing therapy sessions.

practitioner conducting a sound healing therapy session, harnessing the healing vibrations of sound for relaxation and wellne

Benefits of Sound Healing Session

Maintains physical, mental and emotional balance

Controls stress and anxiety

Improves creativity

Improves concentration

Improves blood circulation

Provides a deep state of relaxation

Relieves stress

Lowers blood pressure

Boosts the body’s natural healing ability

Ananda Dhwani Logo, the singing bowl represents sound healing & unalome the spiritual journey. Showing holistic offerings.

Reduces pain 

Harmonizes and clears the energy channels

Improves sleep

Improves memory and learning

Improves the functioning of the Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory and Endocrine systems


Individual sound healing therapy is a technique where the sounds & vibrations from the singing bowls and gongs are given to the physical body parts i.e. soles of the feet, hips, stomach, spine, chest and palms to remove any blockages and bring natural vibrations back in harmony of the physical and subtle body.  


In this 1-On-1 sound healing therapy, different singing bowls would be ringing over the body during the whole therapy.


Additionally, I integrate Reiki into the session, combining the benefits of sound and Reiki for a comprehensive approach to well-being.


Practitioner balancing the solar plexus during a sound healing session, using vibrations of a singing bowl for harmony.
  • The individual therapy would start with a small preliminary conversation, just to get to know each other a little.


  • Making you experience the vibrations and sounds of different singing bowls that would be over the body, beforehand. Here, you can let me know which sounds you connect to more😊


  • Once you are comfortable and ready, you lie down, we do a little body scan and begin the therapy.


  • The therapy would be starting from the back, wherein different singing bowls would be ringing over the back and then on the front of the physical body parts. At once there would be one-two bowls over the body. 


  • Once the therapy ends, you can get up at your own pace. Take your own sweet time, there is no rush to leave.


Each session is

60-90 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 3,500/-

 (approx. USD 42)


A group sound healing session or a sound bath is a therapeutic experience where participants will be enveloped in immersive sounds and vibrations produced by various instruments like singing bowls, gongs, rain sticks, didgeridoo and drums. 


This sonic journey aims to promote relaxation, reduce stress and enhance overall well-being by harmonising the body and mind through the vibrational frequencies of the instruments.


In a group sound healing therapy, different singing bowls would be ringing mostly around and once a while either over the body or in the aura region.


  • The group sound healing session would start with a small introduction about sound healing.


  • Followed by a group energy sharing exercise using the singing bowl, for building harmony amongst all participants.


  • Once all are comfortable and ready, you all can lie down or sit, we do a little body scan and begin the sound bath.


  • Here, you can lie down or sit in any position that is comfortable.


  • Once the therapy ends, you can get up at your own pace. Take your own sweet time, there is no rush to leave.



Each session is

60-90 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 1,500/Person

 (approx. USD 18)


Sound meditation involves using a specific singing bowl that you connect to the most as an auditory stimuli to facilitate a meditative state.


Participants focus on the sound of a singing bowl, allowing the harmonious vibrations and sounds from the bowl guiding the mind into a meditative state, promoting mental clarity and reducing stress.


Sound meditation offers a unique and immersive approach to mindfulness, making it an increasingly popular practice for those seeking tranquillity and balance.


Meditation with candles surrounding, creating a serene and tranquil ambiance conducive to inner reflection and mindfulness.
  • The sound meditation session would start with a little body scan.


  • Followed by Intention Setting and Pranayama. 


  • Here, we will be using the singing bowl which you connect to most for our meditation.


  • You will be guided through the complete session.


  • We end the meditation session with a rejuvenating aura cleansing, leaving you refreshed and radiant.


Each session is

45-60 minutes long


The number of sessions required are custom

Number of sessions

INR 1,300/Person

 (approx. USD 16)


Find tranquillity through sound. Book your session for a journey to inner calm!!

Let's Heal & Grow Together

Admission fee for this course is $10


Thanks for registering!

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